eATM Portal

Essential Operational Changes

This 2020 edition of the European ATM Master Plan introduces nine new Essential Operational Changes top-down as nine essential “game changers”. They are shown here and they are triggering structural evolutions of the European ATM, that are required to deliver the SESAR vision, up to and including its phase C and the “digital European sky” enabling the delivery of the Single European Sky’s objective to implement “more sustainable and better performing aviation”. More...

The EOCs are not independent from each other. In particular, some of them are closely linked to delivering the en-route performance and have been driving the definition of the target architecture, while others bring the essential changes in the other parts of the system.

For learning more about the new Essential Operational Changes, the Chapter 4.2 of the European ATM Master Plan document refers.

Each EOC is supported by SESAR Deployment Scenarios containing solutions contributing to their achievement.

Select from the drop-down menu the Essential Operational Change. Hovering with the mouse over a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will show the associated dates.

The digitalisation of aeronautical information service (AIS) and meteorology (MET) information will enable the instantiation of services to provide static and dynamic aeronautical and meteorological information in digital form, useable by ATM systems and human operators. The output is a SWIM compliant dynamic dataset, the subsets of which can be retrieved by individual requests, demanding specific geographical areas, attributes or functional features. These services will also allow the ‘on-board’ acquisition, processing and distribution of meteorology and aeronautical information management (AIM) information and other operational information, including the interpretation and representation of this information within the aircraft.

Deployment Scenario Timeline Solution Solution V3 Gate
1. In deployment phase: Key SESAR Solution
Digitally enhanced briefing
#34 -
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Improved aviation AIM and MET services through automation and digitalisation
PJ.18-04a -
PJ.18-04b -
3. In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Aircraft as an AIM/MET sensor and consumer
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.14-W2-110 -
PJ.18-04c -
5. Additional R&D Activities in development
Advanced automated MET system
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.05-05 -
Aeronautical digital map service
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.15-11 20-12-2019
Static aeronautical data service
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.15-10 20-12-2019