eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Traffic optimisation on single- and multiple-runway airports

Deployment Scenario Description Traffic optimisation on single- and multiple-runway airports: this will involve the provision of tower and approach controllers with system support to optimise runway operations’ arrival and/or departure spacing and make optimal use of minimum separations, runway occupancy, runway capacity and airport capacity.
Essential Operational Change Airport and TMA performance
Maturity In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
TWR, APP, ENR, SWIM, AIS, MET TWR, APP, AIS, MET APT Operator APT Operator Scheduled, BA Fixed, BA Rotorcraft, GA, FOC Transport, Fighter, Light, WOC, Network Manager
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
PJ.02-08 Traffic optimisation on single and multiple runway airports Traffic optimisation on single and multiple runway airports provides tower and approach...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
AUO-0704 Enhanced Prediction of Arrival Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) A better prediction (or integrity) of the arrival ROT (Runway Occupancy Time) will help ATC to...
TS-0301 Integrated Arrival Departure Management for Full Traffic Optimisation on the Runway A full integration of arrival and departure management processes provides dynamic assistance to...
TS-0313 Optimized Use of Runway Capacity for Multiple Runway Airports The controller of a multiple runway airport is provided with decision support tools enhanced to...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
AERODROME-ATC-33 Coupled sequencing tool enhanced to better handle arrivals and departures Coupled AMAN-DMAN enhanced to manage mixed mode and dependent runway operations as well as to...
AERODROME-ATC-55 Airport ATC analyser tool for predicting ROT Provide enhanced Runway Capacity analyser tool for predicting Final Approach speed profile and...
AERODROME-ATC-58 Agile synchronisation of arrivals with departure information for the same airport Improvement on the service orchestration between AMAN and DMAN to better synchronise arrivals and...
AERODROME-ATC-74 Runway Demand and Capacity system enhanced for multiple runway airport In order to manage the different flows and dependencies between the multiple Runways in the...
APP ATC 164 APP ATC System adapted to support integrated arrival/departure sequence functionalities in ATCO¿s HMI The APP ATC system ATCO HMI is enhanced to support the display of integrated arrival/departure...
A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Downlink of trajectory data (waypoints or pseudo waypoints with associated constraints and/or...
A/C-48a Air broadcast of aircraft position/vector (ADS-B OUT) compliant with DO260B Air broadcast of aircraft position/vector (ADS-B OUT) compliant with DO260B
AERODROME-ATC-09c Improvement of operational orchestration among arrival / departure management and surface management services Provision of surface movement information (including variable taxi time) processing system for...
AERODROME-ATC-27 Sequence Management system enhanced to use new wake turbulence separations Using optimized spacing of arrivals and departures reflecting new wake turbulence separations,...
AERODROME-ATC-29 Enhanced Runway Demand and Capacity system for mixed mode runway Improvement of Runway Demand and Capacity system to integrate Arrival and departure information...
AERODROME-ATC-32 Runway condition awareness management system based on weather-based runway condition model Runway condition awareness management system that delivers runway conditions takes into account a...
AERODROME-ATC-34 Sequence Management system enhanced to use reduced and predicted ROT Sequence Management system enhanced to use reduced and predicted Runway Occupancy Time to improve...
AERODROME-ATC-56 Airport ATC Function exchange current ROT information between a/c and ATC Systems Sharing current ROT information between the Flight Crew and ATC operators to increase runway...
AIMS-16 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (TOD) The purpose is to ensure the availability of electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data .
AIMS-23 Enhanced digital data chain to ensure Aeronautical Information data provision to meet full 4D trajectory management requirements Enhanced aeronautical information data provision chain enabling the provision of high quality...
METEO-03c Provision and monitoring of real-time airport weather information for time-based separation and curved approaches ATM-MET ground based sub-system dedicated to acquire, collect, combine, provide and monitor...
METEO-04c Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and approach related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) including rotorcraft and RPAS The ATM-MET system is acquiring, generating, assembling and providing Meteorological (MET)...
NIMS-12 Demand Capacity Balancing equipped with a tool to identify and arbitrate multiple imbalance and hotspots Develop an assistance tool allowing the Network Manager, the civil ATS Providers and the civil...
SWIM-APS-07b Consumption by Ground Systems of Meteorological Information services for Trajectory Based Operations Ground systems evolve to consume SWIM enabled services for meteorological information exchange
SWIM-APS-08b Provision of Airport Information services for Step 2 Ground systems evolve to consume SWIM enabled services for airport information exchange
SWIM-APS-09b Consumption by Ground Systems of SWIM enabled G/G and initial A/G Airport Information services Ground systems evolve to provide SWIM enabled services for airport information exchange