eATM Portal

SDM-0216 — Improved ATC procedures based on enhanced G/G data sharing among ATC centres and NM

Improved trajectory management including revision through improved procedures and automated support to enhanced ATC operations and Collaborative Decision Making based on G/G trajectory data sharing among ATC units (including ENR, APP and Airport ATC) and Network Management leading to improved ATM operations . The sharing of common trajectory data (including information contained in the EPP) among ATC centres and NM supports the collaborative decision making on the extended (INAP) tactical/coordination horizon. Additional and enhanced procedures and automated support to negotiate and modify trajectories across borders with longer planning horizon provide for increased predictability and greater flexibility in the management of sector and ATC centres sequence, allowing better allocation of flight to controllers based on workload and traffic patterns.

This OI corresponds to IOP including elements beyond the basic IOP like sharing of the trajectory information with the NM. It covers ENR-ENR, TMA and NM. The enhanced procedures and automated support will enable all ATC actors involved in the trajectory management process to work on a common Flight Script first initiated by NM in accordance with FF-ICE /1, but in longer planning horizon and with increased positive impact mainly on KPA related to cost efficiency and predictability. This sharing will offer the same flexibility across National Borders as within ATC center.
Forecast V3 end date
Benefits start date (IOC)
Full benefits date (FOC)
Current Maturity Level
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PCP Status

Dependent OI Steps: No associated data

SESAR Solutions

PCP Elements: No associated data

Implementation Objectives: No associated data

ICAO Block Modules: No associated data