eATM Portal

METEO-04b — Generate and provide MET information services relevant for Airport and final approach related operations (PCP)

ATM-MET system acquiring, generating, assembling and providing Meteorological (MET) information to the SWIM network and in a SWIM compliant manner to support all actors in Airport and final approach related operations and consistent with information relevant for other operational user environments such as En-route and Network operations.
Dedicated ATM-MET system capabilities will introduce new or improved meteorological observation, nowcast and forecast capabilities to support enhanced decision making.
When a high level of consistency and consolidation with MET information for other operational user environments is required, the information will be made available through a system that provides this capability to consolidate and make the MET information consistent.
This includes the ability to acquire, assemble and provide the relevant, ground, aircraft and space-based MET observation information, supported by enablers METEO-3, CTE-S7a and A/C-47.
The ATM-MET system capability focuses on acquiring, generating, assembling and providing meteorological information supporting (automated) ground and aircraft based decision making process or aids involving the relevant MET information, translation processes to derive constraints for weather and to convert this information in an ATM impact by ATM systems. The system capability for PCP mainly targets a 'time to decision' horizon between 20 minutes and 7 days.
The ATM-MET system outputs, amongst others, are:
a) MET information for the tactical avoidance of hazardous meteorological conditions
b) MET information to support ATM situational awareness tools including display of MET information
c) MET warnings that give concise information of meteorological conditions that could adversely affect aerodrome operations.

  • Air Navigation Service Provider
    • Civil
    • Civil ATS Aerodrome Service Provider
    • Civil ATS Approach Service Provider
    • Civil MET Service Provider
    • Military
    • Military ATS Aerodrome Service Provider
    • Military ATS Approach Service Provider
    • Military MET Service Provider
  • Airport Operator
    • Civil
    • Civil APT operator
    • Military
    • Military APT operator
  • Airspace User
    • Civil
    • Civil Scheduled Aviation
    • Civil Business Aviation-Fixed Wing
    • Civil General Aviation
    • Civil Flight Operations Centre

PCP Elements

Standards: No associated data

Implementation Objectives: No associated data

Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs): No associated data

SESAR Workpackages: No associated data